Are your employees healthy and happy? Research shows that a healthy and happy workforce can reduce employer costs by more than $1,600 per employee. Traditional wellness programs, however, fail to address employee overall health and happiness. Employee well-being programs instead focus specifically on initiatives that can impact overall employee well-being, both at home and at work.
KKR Consult’s exclusive employee well-being program, Achieve Happiness On Purpose (AHOP) is an employee well-being program designed to increase the happiness and health of your organization.
The Ahop program includes engaging digital content and tools to help your employees discover keys to their personal happiness. Participants have access to monthly online sessions as well as regular touch points between sessions. You’ll get dedicated help to introduce the Ahop program to your employees, a personalized client portal to track your employees’ progress, and tailored promotional materials to help you increase participation.
When your employees experience the benefits of the Ahop program, your business can also benefit from increased employee engagement, improved workplace performance, increased teamwork and productivity, healthier employee stress levels, improved job satisfaction, and reduced turnover.
"The challenge of work life balance is without questions one of the most significant struggles faced by modern man."
- Stephen Covey -
Interested in learning more? Contact us today!!!
87% of employees are expecting supportive employers for achieving work-life balance.
(PR Newswire, 2017)
More than 9 in 10 workers say they feel more motivated at their job if their leaders support well-being efforts.
(APA, 2016)
61% of employees enrolled in their company’s wellness program have reported a healthier lifestyle change.
(Alfac, 2017)